Android apps are software applications that run on the Android platform. Android apps are created using the Java programming language and core libraries and constructed to run on a Dalvik virtual machine that is optimized for mobile devices. Android apps are distributed and made available through the official Google Play Store. This store is available for both free and premium applications.
The Android platform provides developers with an extensive set of tools, documentation, as well as resources to build and test applications. It also supports multitasking, which allows users to complete multiple tasks at the same time and switch seamlessly between them. Android apps also offer various graphics options, including 3-D and 2D graphics. It is therefore simple to develop and distribute visually appealing applications on the platform.
Android gives developers more freedom to design and create apps. This allows developers to create a wide range of different apps that vary in terms of features and design. Android apps are compatible with many different devices and OS versions, which means developers stand a better chance to reach out to more people.
In addition that, the cost to develop apps on Android is considerably lower than iOS. For instance, signing up to be an Apple developer costs $99 annually, whereas beginning with Android only costs $25. This allows businesses to quickly launch their apps and begin earning revenue.