Top Core Java Interview Questions and Answers 2024

Because this() also has to be the first statement in the block. So in conclusion, we can say that we cannot use this() and super() keywords in the same block. Basically, the super keyword is used to refer to the parent class.

Is Empty .java file name a valid source file name?

Parallel streams, a concept that was introduced in Java 8, can execute operations on collections concurrently using multiple threads. The essence of parallel streams is to split the data into smaller portions and have them distributed over different threads for handling. This can greatly optimize java interview questions for senior developer stream operations on large datasets, especially those running on multicore processors. Method chaining in programming is when multiple method calls are used together with each call on the object returned by the previous one. This allows you to write code that is brief and easy to read.

Why is problem-solving a fundamental skill for Java developers?

  1. Check out the list of Hibernate Interview Questions to prepare for upcoming interviews.
  2. It is a programming language that is independent of platforms.
  3. Streams can be parallelized to whatever extent multiple CPU cores are available.

In Test class, the reference variable b (of type Base class) refers to the instance of the Derived class. Here, Runtime polymorphism is achieved between class Base and Derived. At compile time, the presence of method baseMethod checked in Base class, If it presence then the program compiled otherwise the compiler error will be shown. In this case, baseMethod is present in Base class; therefore, it is compiled successfully.

Explain Java String Pool.

A thread can access a synchronized method only if the thread can get the key to the objects to lock. The synchronized keyword means that a thread needs a key to access the synchronized code. Encapsulation is a technique used for hiding the properties and behaviors of an object and allowing outside access only as appropriate. It prevents other objects from directly altering or accessing the properties or methods of the encapsulated object. The questions are also picked up from various interviews and they are, by no means, very difficult.

Write a syntax to convert a given collection to a SynchronizedCollection.

The other languages like C are saved in .exe format and are compiled directly into machine-specific language according to the OS being used. This means a code compiled on Microsoft OS cannot run on Linux OS. Always pay attention to the variables – they define the final answer.

Using BlockingQueue

The JVM uses a garbage collection algorithm to identify and reclaim memory from objects that are no longer in use. We need to implement Comparable interface to support sorting of custom objects in a collection. Java composition is achieved by using instance variables that refer to other objects. The benefit of using composition is that we can control the visibility of other objects to client classes and reuse only what we need.

Do you understand why attention to detail is crucial for Core Java developers?

No matter how many objects are derived from a class, each class variable would only exist once. The primitive data types are the ones from which further data types could be created. For example, integers can further lead to the construction of long, byte, short, etc.

This article on core Java interview questions is shared by Kanika Rawat. She is a tech enthusiast and has a keen interest in coding. Hashmap is an implementation of a map interface. The data is stored in pairs in the form of a key, value. The key acts as an index to another object(value). The objects stored can be retrieved in the shortest time (O(1)) if the key is known.

Each primitive data type in Java has a dedicated class known as the wrapper class, which wraps the primitive types into an object of that particular class. Converting primitive data types into objects is known as autoboxing and converting from an object to primitive data types called unboxing. One of the first possible basic Java interview questions could be this one. In a “method overloading” case, methods that are in the same class share the same name, yet their parameters differ. This is concerned with extensions of the method’s behavior more than anything else. Reversely, “method overriding” sub-classes have methods of the same name and parameters.

When dealing with small values of n, this method performs effectively. However, for very large values, you may encounter a stack overflow error, which happens when there are too many recursive calls. In these situations, it’s better to use an iterative method or enhance the recursion with memoization to improve efficiency. This program has a function called power which calculates the result of raising a given number x to the power of another number n. It works with both positive and negative values of n.

In contrast to composition, which has a significant correlation, the aggregation has a very modest association. Aggregation can be thought of as a more confined version of the composition. Since all compositions are aggregates but not all aggregates are compositions, aggregate can be thought of as the superset of composition. An Exception handling in Java is considered an unexpected event that can disrupt the program’s normal flow. These events can be fixed through the process of Exception Handling. The answers for the two print statements are as follows.

Threads in Java are subprocess with lightweight with the smallest unit of processes and also has separate paths of execution. These threads use shared memory but they act independently hence if there is an exception in threads that do not affect the working of other threads despite them sharing the same memory. A thread has its own program counter, execution stack, and local variables, but it shares the same memory space with other threads in the same process. Java provides built-in support for multithreading through the Runnable interface and the Thread class. Since generics type information gets erased at compile time by Type Erasure, the array store check would have been passed where it should have failed.

For Example, an Employee is an example of a class. A specific employee with unique identification is an example of an object. Platform independence practically means “write once run anywhere”. Java is called so because of its byte codes which can run on any system irrespective of its underlying operating system.

An “externalisable” interface incorporates readExternal and writeExternal methods. There is no limit to the number of major approaches you can use. Overloading is the ability to have main methods with different signatures than main (String []), and the JVM will disregard those main methods. Java Virtual Machine takes care of memory management implicitly.

A null object is an instance defined with null values or without any reference. After saving the code, you need to open the command prompt and go to the directory where the file is stored. Then, you need to type ‘javac .java’ to compile the program, and ‘java A’ to run the program. The expansion of JSON is ‘JavaScript Object Notation.’ It is a much lighter and readable alternative to XML. It is independent and easily parse-able in all programming languages. It is primarily used for client–server and server–server communication.

Java is designed to adapt to an evolving environment. Java programs include a large amount of runtime information that is used to resolve access to objects in real-time. Binding is a process of unifying the method call with the method’s code segment.

In an Array, Elements are stored in contiguous memory locations. Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including background details. The detailed information or the implementation is hidden.

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